Dust Celluloze C 90 is fast to lay, easy to clear, very eco-friendly and relatively inexpensive. It is more stable than foam and can be used for detail dressing. It allows for advance dressing of large areas and makes good background white out. As it is a micro fine layer of white it registers as snow on roads, stone etc but when in the mid to foreground on textured detail such as grass or gravel it registers more as a frost or very light snow.
[ kg ]
[ m2 ]
37.50 € without VAT/day
At your service from 8:00 to 16:30.
20.00 € without VAT
2.08 € without VAT/day
Nunc lorem felis, euismod at elit non, iaculis feugiat metus. Integer urna ligula, semper a velit rutrum, vehicula faucibus erat. Pellentesque laoreet lacus non ex malesuada, nec eleifend risus suscipit. Aliquam egestas elementum magna, vel placerat enim ornare et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.